Monday, September 1, 2008

Stye Perfection

As I was browsing through new Alexa Pics I stumbled upon this- Festival style (well, any style..)Perfect. 


MDS* said...

This is definetely a perfect outfit. And I love the boots she was wearing that day.
I will put the link of the ebay store as soon as I put everything on sale. Now, the store is still "on holidays", hahaha.


Anastacia said...

I'm not sure how i feel about Alexa, i don't know maybe it's because of the dross spoken on T4 (what she co presents). She's a bit too much of a Mulberry advocate for me, maybe there is room for a conversion.... Have you checked out style for the behind the scenes vid for the editorial?


Gorgeous girl!

v said...

pretty pretty pretty!!! can not wait till summer!